Our Clients

Our Clients

Our clients are typically those on the coal face, involved in the operations of the larger organization, or those in middle management. They are the important parts of the organization that ‘get the job done’ but are often unacknowledged. Other feelings include feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, unappreciated or exhausted.

We support those:

  • who have a relentless inner driver to work harder and longer, often at the expense of their good health, joy, rest and recovery.
  • with an inability to ‘switch off’ after work.
  • who regularly feel stressed or present with muscular complaints and headaches.
  • who are “sick of being sick”, “tired of being tired” or those who are “tired but wired”.
  • on the hamster wheel of the corporate world who theoretically know what they ‘should do’ to obtain better harmony between their work, family, social, personal and spiritual dynamics, but haven’t succeeded in putting this into practice.
  • that often give too much and are just waiting for ‘their chance’ to move to the next stage in their careers.
  • who feel frustrated or lack motivation to perform in a role in which they once thrived.
  • who feel that they are time poor, particularly for anything outside of work.
  • who want to explore what matters the most to them and reassess their values.
  • who are seeking to prevent or transition out of burnout in a safe, supportive and sustainable way.

A reharmonization of one’s life can bring improved health, social interaction, creativity, joy, and fulfillment. This ripple effect brings greater attention and productivity, and reduced stress and fatigue to both work and personal endeavours.