What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching is a sacred partnership between coach and client whereby we take stock of where you are at now and gain clarity where you want to be. We explore what may be holding you back and how to overcome your challenges. This is primarily done through different questioning techniques and methods which work with a different part of your mind. Often, I will repeat what you have said so that you may hear it and consider it from a different perspective and energy.

Coaching is future-focused and results-oriented. We do not delve into your past in great depth, get you to re-live past experiences nor offer advice. This is more the realm of therapy. Rather, we tap into your creativity and potential for the solution which is optimal for you. Coaching offers a safe space to discuss whatever is on your mind – often aspects which you may not feel comfortable discussing with your partner, friends, colleagues or employer. Coaching is professional, confidential and non-judgemental. It is respectful of your boundaries, however will push you outside of your comfort zone in order to grow. As such, I will be your accountability partner to keep you oncourse to achieve your goals. As a guide who holds a lantern inside a dark cave, so I will also illuminate your blind spots, thereby helping you identify areas for further consideration. I will be your biggest supporter and cheer leader as you develop the confidence and skillset to further empower yourself. It is an adventure of what is possible and a place to have fun!

Please note:

  • That the coach is the guide and catalyst for change. You are required to do the work. All you need is an open mind and a willingness for change as a starting point!
  • I am not a counsellor or therapist, although I am happy to work in conjunction with your engaging their services. We support clients differently.

What is harmonisation?

To me, harmonisation is a form of balance – but not the sort where everything is in equal parts – rather learning how to flow / navigate with the ebbs and flows of life. It is listening and responding to whichever aspects of you require more attention at that time from an emotional, physical, spiritual and mental perspective. Harmonisation increases your sense of calm, clarity, and vitality as you reassess your boundaries and choices.  Life coaching can assist you to achieve this through supported self-reflection, tapping into your creativity and building your emotional resilience. It also improves self-awareness of how you are utilizing your energy and how to improve its management. Sustainability is key to support the initial increase in their energy levels and to ensure their energy reserves remain optimal. You will develop the skills to listen, acknowledge and give yourself what is needed at a particular time.

Why is preventative wellness coaching so important now?

Coaching on preventative wellness is important as the rates of burnout have increased considerably since the inception of the covid-19 pandemic. Many professionals have had to rapidly change the way they work to include conducting business online, causing them to work in isolation, or working for extended periods, for fear of job insecurity, family, and personal pressures. These rapid changes have resulted in much disharmony between peoples work and personal lives. These changes have also caused many to reassess their values and what is most important to them. Whilst theoretically one may know overworking may be detrimental to the health, their family, social or other lifestyle dynamics, they may not know how to change compulsive behaviours. Life coaching can assist with breaking these patterns and aiding one to find their unique dynamic. A reharmonization of one’s life can bring improved health, social interaction, creativity, joy, and fulfillment. This ripple effect brings greater attention and productivity, and reduced stress and fatigue to both work and personal endeavours.

How does it work?

We typically have an initial 20 minute complementary and obligation-free discovery call. I gain an understanding of what it is you are seeking assistance with and ascertain whether coaching is suitable for you. You can ask any clarifying queries you may have. This call is also a mutual discovery of whether we are a good fit in terms of chemistry and communication styles. To book a call with me, please contact me on admin@revive-coaching.com.au.

Sessions are typically held virtually at a mutually-agreed time. Platforms used are Zoom, Skype, (or similar) or via phone. Face to face sessions may be arranged if you are in Perth, Western Australia.


For the best possible outcome of success, I ask that you commit to a willingness to change your lifestyle. I also hope that you will commit to the full program period to be able to benefit from the program and sessions.

Results are seen and felt from the first session. I typically work with clients for a minimum of four sessions at a time. Additional time may be booked if required. My fees are affordably structured as shown below:

  • $125 per session (excl GST) for 4 sessions. Total $500 (excl GST). Payments made fortnightly.
  • Or one single payment upfront for 4 sessions. Total $ 480 (excl GST).
  • Ongoing single sessions following initial 4 sessions available at $120 per session (excl GST).

Payments to be made prior to sessions. Proof of payment is requested.

Revive Coaching reserves the right to periodically revise rates of service.