Frequently Asked Questions
Life-, Wellness- and Trauma- Coaching all cultivate a sacred partnership between coach and client whereby we take stock of where you are currently and gain clarity where you want to be. We explore what may be holding you back and how to overcome your challenges.
Coaching is future-focused and results-oriented. Coaching offers a safe space of self (re)discovery– often aspects which you may not feel comfortable discussing with your partner, friends, colleagues or employer. We tap into your creativity and potential for the solution which is optimal for you. Coaching is professional, confidential and non-judgemental. It is respectful of your boundaries, however will push you outside of your comfort zone in order to grow. As such, I will be your accountability partner to keep you on course to achieve your goals. As a guide who holds a lantern inside a dark cave, so I will also illuminate your blind spots, thereby helping you identify areas for further consideration. I will be your biggest supporter and cheer leader as you develop the confidence and skillset to further empower yourself. It is an adventure of what is possible and a place to have fun!
As I am a burnout survivor myself, I will guide you along the path that has helped me heal from my burnout and thrive! The coaching that I offer is holistic and engages the 5 planes: emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and energetic. I have used and implemented all the techniques that I offer here – I know that they work!
Please note:
- That the coach is the guide and catalyst for change. You are required to do the work. All you need is an open mind and a willingness for change as a starting point!
- I am not a counsellor or therapist, although I am happy to work in conjunction with your engaging their services. We support clients differently.
Burnout is a multifaceted and insidious condition that is brought about by chronic stress. It is a state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion. It is non-discriminatory and may affect individuals of any gender, race, age, industry or culture. It is experienced globally and the incidences continue to increase post covid-19 pandemic.
The World Health Organisation has only recently recognised it as a syndrome in 2019 and has included it in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon. It is not classified as a medical condition.
Burn-out is defined in ICD-11 as follows:
“Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions:
- feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
- increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and
- reduced professional efficacy.
Burnout is heavily dependent upon the emotional resources an individual has at a particular stage. This varies depending on what is occurring for the individual at a particular time as to whether they can manage a particular stressor. When an individual is experiencing chronic stress, their emotional and other resources diminish. This contributes significantly to their risk of experiencing burnout.
As burnout is multifaceted, there is no standardised one-size fits all approach. This is why we need to consider both the internal factors an individual may be experiencing, the external factors (ie their environment) and the link between the two for thorough and sustainable recovery. When it comes to the recovery for an individual, Revive Coaching emphasises the healing that is required on the five planes: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic.
Burnout has various stages with the severity of the symptoms increasing along the spectrum including chronic fatigue, depression, suicidal thoughts, negative outlook on life. Moreover, the resources an individual has to cope diminish the further one progresses.
It is possible for a person to be unaware that they are experiencing burnout. Other clues include what they say to themselves. See below for some common examples of a person’s internal narrative.
There are common survival strategies that predispose an individual to burning out. These include people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-functioning and overachieving.
When our lives are out of kilter it makes us susceptible to dis-eases, immune conditions, poor quality of life, and robs us of the focus of what is truly important to us. This varies from person to person, but unless one stops or perhaps forced to stop and consider what they want, precious time, energy and opportunities are wasted.
A reharmonization of your life can bring improved health, social interaction, creativity, joy, and fulfillment. This ripple effect brings greater attention and productivity, and reduced stress and fatigue to both professional and personal endeavours.
Curious to explore which option is right for you? Contact me to disuss further! Email:
- I’m so tired.
- I’m exhausted.
- I just need to finish this (insert next task and add a few extras in), then I will ….
- I don’t have time to socialize or do (insert activity), as I have so much work….
- Nobody can do the work that I do. I don’t want to let insert name/ department (others) down…..
- I’m not productive enough.
- Rest isn’t productive.
- I don’t have time to rest.
- I don’t have enough time.
- I just want to go on holiday, go home, be anywhere but here….
- How come everyone else seems to have it together?
- What’s wrong with me?
- I’m dragging or kicking myself to do this… (work)
- I can’t think straight.
- What if they find out I can’t do my job so well anymore.
- I think I need a new job.
Revive Coaching caters for both corporate and individual clients.
Clients are professionals who are business owners or are in a corporate environment irrespective of their level within the organization. Revive Coaching frequently coaches individuals in middle or upper management, specialists, team leaders, managers, sales personnel, or those at the coal face.
Burnout affects many irrespective of culture, gender, age, race, etc. Revive Coaching welcomes professionals regardless of their background.
We support those:
- Who are seeking to prevent or transition out of burnout in a safe, supportive and sustainable way.
- Who internally know that they have tendencies of people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-achieving, over-functioning.
- Balancing competing responsibilities or aren’t performing at their potential.
- Who have a relentless inner driver to work harder and longer, often at the expense of their health and wellbeing.
- With an inability to ‘switch off’ after work.
- Who regularly feel stressed or present with muscular complaints and headaches.
- Who are “sick of being sick”, “tired of being tired” or those who are “tired but wired”.
- On the hamster wheel of the corporate world who theoretically know what they ‘should do’ to obtain better harmony between their work, family, social, personal and spiritual dynamics, but haven’t succeeded in putting this into practice.
- That often give too much and are just waiting for ‘their chance’ to move to the next stage in their careers.
- Who feel frustrated or lack motivation to perform in a role in which they once thrived.
- Who feel that they are time poor, particularly for anything outside of work.
- Who want to explore what matters the most to them and reignite that fire for their life.
Progression of Burnout